Monday, March 7, 2011

Wow. So much for being good at blogging.

It's been ages since I first posted. As each day passes I realize I have less and less time to sit here and air my dirty brain laundry, but definitely see the benefit in doing so on a regular basis. Committing to posting once a week is not too much to ask of ones' self is it? Not when that's about one hour out of an entire week where I'd likely be sitting here rotting my brain with youtube vids or procrasterbating.

The last little while has been all about work for the most part. Becoming more and more confident in what I'm doing and trying to get into a good routine. The unfortunate thing for anyone who has ever been an adjuster knows that it is a very unpredictable career, you could be on the verge of a nervous breakdown one minute and hearing crickets chirping from behind your cubicle. The best part about the unpredictability is that every day is different and every customer is different. The variety is what I enjoy the most about it and also educating people about their insurance policy and making them see that we are not just here to "rip them off" as most people put it. There is a responsibility for said customer to know what they are purchasing and they are in fact signing a legal contract when entering an insurance policy. According to law, a contract is binding when two parties agree to its terms and could only be voided if one party was not in a competent state of mind to agree to it. "So Mr. Insured, you're telling me your Broker held a gun to your head and threatened your life and the lives of your family if you wouldn't agree to a $500 deductible?" Mmmmmhmmmm. Sure. Many people try to play the ignorance card when they hear something they don't like and that is the most challenging part. That and the fraudsters. You develop and instinct for "shady" claims and eventually learn to ask the right questions to get the answers you want. All part of the fun in the day of the life of an adjuster. I will post this video again as it just made me keel over and nearly croak with laughter. Thanks Teena for making me feel better with this one :)

Another thing that made me think deep thoughts was the upcoming International Women's Day. It's tomorrow. My wifey posted this awesome video, it's very thought provoking and if the facts are true, women need to take a stand and start doing something about the inequality.

(Nothing like Daniel Craig....even as a woman) The part that made me think is the comment below left by r0bl0ng  :

"As women and men become more identical, the birthrate falls. The people and culture of the western world from which this unisex ideal has been born is going extinct. That's not just opinion - it's science - as described by Darwin. Radical feminism can't logically survive. It arose out of the Baby-Boomer generation of the Western World, reached its heights in the Gen-Xers and will dissappear from history just as quickly as the childless GenXers die off.

Who will inherit the earth? The cultures that still have babies." 

I disagree with his opinion. Then I though, women, can reproduce without men. There are thousands of women out there who have used artificial insemination to become pregnant. All they need is a little bit of a mans sacred love juice and a turkey baster. Well maybe something a little classier than than, but you get the idea. Now men, seem to shoot said love juice at anyone, anytime, without little thought to the fact that someone might actually want some of it for the purpose of procreation. Maybe somewhere a secret society of women will start roaming the earth, sneaking into the homes and cars and offices of men and stealing their little sea-men! How many guys have you know to get drunk and have a one night stand with a women he didn't know, pass out after the act of coitus, leaving a nice puddle for said woman to lie in? Maybe these men should start sleeping with one eye one's sperm will be safe! The point I'm getting as is that women don't need men, they need us. So I will celebrate International Womens Day as a strong, independent female. 

A sinus infection has overcome me and it's time for bed. Goodnight world!

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